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Is formal music theory education required?No, knowledge in music theory is not required. The process of writing melody and lyrics, known in the music industry as writing "topline," does not require use of written music theory. While a music theory background is welcomed, Beginner and Intermediate students will learn how to craft lyrics and melodies by feel, using their voice or instruments to express natural musical instincts. Advanced students will be expected to have a basic understanding of chord progressions.
Do students have to play an instrument?No, students do not have to play an instrument or know how to read music. While it is welcomed for students to play an instrument and read music, it is not required at Beginner and Intermediate levels. Advanced students will be expected to know how to play basic chords. This class is a writing class, not a performance class.
Do students have to be trained singers?No, students do not need vocal training. While it is welcomed for students to have vocal training, it is not required. Students will be taught how to craft lyrics and melodies by feel, using instruments or their voice to express natural musical instincts. This class is a writing class, not a performance class.
Do students have to know how to read music?No, students do not need to know how to read music to write melody and lyrics. There is no use of written music in studio songwriting sessions.
How many students are in each class?Enrollment is limited at each class level to faciliate interactivity and to ensure that each student has focus, time, and attention during each class session. Beginner classes are capped at 8 students, Intermediate classes are capped at 6 students, and Advanced classes are capped at 4 students.
When do classes meet?Classes meet once per week, for 10 weeks. Once skill level is determined, students will be consulted about days/times that work for their schedules and placed in classes accordingly.
Are classes open to all, regardless of musical experience?"Beginner classes are open to all. Intermediate classes require the passing of the Beginner level. Advanced classes require the passing of the Intermediate level.
How many times can students take each class level?There is no limit to the number of times a student can take any class level. Private instructor/student meetings allow personalized discussions of students' goals, achievements, and progress.
If students are musically trained or have some experience writing songs, can they skip to Intermediate or Advanced levels?"A short qualification call with each student will ensure that students are placed in the appropriate class level for their songwriting abilities. Each level prepares students for the next, ensuring students have mastered fundamentals before taking on advanced skill sets. Private instructor one-on-one student meetings will allow personalized discussions of students' goals, achievements, and progress in each class.
How often do classes meet?Classes meet once per week, and all classes are 1-hour long. Class sessions go for 10 consecutive weeks barring any holidays.
Is homework assigned outside of class?Yes, students will be asked to complete "take home" exercises outside of class. These assignments are critical, because long-form exercises are designed to hone songwriting craftsmanship.
Will students have to share their original work with the group?Yes, students will be expected to share their songwriting work with the group. The instructor and fellow students will examine everyone's work to learn from one another in a positive and supportive environment. Collaboration is a key element of songwriting, so the practice of sharing and exchanging ideas will be encouraged both in and outside of class.
Are make-up classes offered in case of an absence?No, make-up classes are not offered but a student may choose to use a one-on-one meeting to review material missed in class.
Are course materials required?No, course materials are not required but students must have access to Zoom, YouTube, Spotify, iTunes/Apple Music, and Google Docs.
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